Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Best web site templates Articles

web site templates and More

Finally no new year’s list for a hosting service should exclude blogging. The blog is probably the most powerful marketing tool ever invented. Online entrepreneurs who are not using this amazing tool to communicate their special qualifications to host a certain type of client. By using the right keywords and blogging strategy a web hosting service has a chance of getting an instant huge targeted audience.

Tips for Choosing a Domain

Mon, 12 May 2008 11:02:19 GMT
Selecting a domain name is an important step in establishing a web business. Take your time and think carefully about selecting a domain, as it will be the hallmark of your online presence.

Server Build Standards

Thu, 05 Jan 2006 00:00:00 EST
For a web hosting business the servers are pretty much the foundation of the business from a technical standpoint. If the servers go down the impact for the business can be severe.

SEO: Webmaster Guidelines From Mr. Google

Sun, 09 Mar 2008 04:11:57 +0000
Sebelum membangun website, ada baiknya membaca guidline dari Google supaya website anda Google Friendly.
CommentMarch 21, 2008, Yard Host » Blog Archive » SEO: Webmaster Guidelines From Mr. Google write: ...] Layong Lim wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptSebelum membangun website, ada baiknya membaca guidline dari Google supaya website anda Google Friendly. ...]

Go to

Hostican uptime for March 2008: 99.953% (over the Internet)

Recommended web site templates Items

The hosting service works fine, although we have a very low volume of traffic
(less then 500mb a month). Unfortunately, from time to time, every few days, our
email would stop arriving. We wouldn't actually loose any mail, but email would
be delayed by as much as an hour sometimes. We complained about this to
ixwebhosting a few times through their online live chat help. No resolution
came, even though I even contacted them at the moment when our email was NOT
working - so they could experience the problem as well during 'live chat' help.
Later I recieved an email saying that they tested our email, and that we have no
problem and that ticket has been 'resolved' (not!). Just like every previous
time. They know it is an intermittent problem and they check once in a blue moon
and based on that conclude that everything is fine. So email problems stay
unresolved. Too bad, it seemed like a good deal and a good place for one's
hosting needs.

Click Here to go to ixwebhosting

We hope that this ending of our article on web site templates proves to be a beginning to your interest in web site templates! Now get down to learning more about web site templates!

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